
Showing posts from February, 2016

Sexism, Slut Shaming, and Not All Men

Just to make this clear: if you hop onto a post about women's issues; from body shaming to sexism, to slut shaming and go "BUT MEN ______" or "NOT ALL MEN!!!" you are not helping. You are part of the problem. Yes. Men have issues too. Yes, we can acknowledge those issues. But no, they are not on the same level. And no, they shouldn't be brought up when women are openly talking about what they face every single day. For example: I made a post about slut/ sex shaming. In that post I spoke about how women who enjoy casual sex are shamed and women who don't  have sex are also shamed. I said that clothing is not consent, no matter what the person is wearing. I made sure to point out there is nothing wrong with enjoying casual sex, just like there's nothing wrong with enjoying monogamy. Or abstinence. Or any other legal sexual preference. However, there is everything wrong with shaming people and assuming that know their private actions based on wh...