Glorifying Obesity

Almost every day I'm accused of the same thing- "Glorifying Obesity." It doesn't matter what I'm doing- if I share a photo of myself I am somehow "glorifying obesity." I don't fit into their idea of what a fat person should be- which is ashamed and self loathing.
Let's talk about what "glorifying obesity" is- besides imaginary. There is no promotion of obesity. What these people PERCEIVE to be a promotion of obesity is simply this: fat people existing, without apologizing for their existence.
That's all it is. When I was a miserable, starving myself, working out until I puked, self harming fatty- I was never accused of glorifying obesity. Because I was being a GOOD fatty- by hating myself I was doing the right thing. My health didn't matter to them then- and it sure as hell doesn't matter to them now, despite their arguments of only being "concerned."
A good fatty puts themselves down. A good fatty comes up with ways to explain to society why they are fat or what they are doing to change it- it's an exhausting never ending conversation of trying to flip the blame. "No, no not me, I'm doing everything I can to change it! I'm not one of THOSE fat people."
They starve themselves, try every fad diet they can. They obediently count calories, only order salads, don't dare to wear shorts or sleeveless tops- a good fatty tries to shrink themselves away, by any means necessary. They apologize for taking up space, feel embarrassed by how they look- how they are. A good fatty will do ANYTHING to be smaller. They will even go under the knife- changing their digestive tract and risking lifelong complications (or even death)- to try and appease everyone else. Because a good fatty agrees with the world- being fat is the worst thing you can be.
But, see, it's untrue. It's all a lie. The diet industry sells this belief to us and and society gobbles up the idea that weight loss is a magical thing that will fix everything wrong in your life... You don't gain happiness when you lose weight. You don't become more worthy. You already ARE worthy.
It's not about health because if it were about health these people would also be concerned for their thin friends who eat the very things they smack fat people down for eating. In their world it's perfectly okay to eat fast food every day- but only if you are thin. It isn't about health- it's about how we look.
There is no glorifying obesity- there's only people trying to force fats back into their role of "good fatty."


  1. hey, Shayaunna!
    i'm writing to clarify something that happened and made me so sad! :(
    i posted something on your instagram account. i posted the comment in brazilian portuguese 'cause i was talking to my boyfriend (as brazilian as i am). i think you used some translator to understand what we said. and it was super misunderstood. :( really. super! and you blocked me. :(
    but i want to clarify to you what i was saying. i said exactly this (i dont remember the exact words, but): "look, it's so misogynistic, that i can't understand how they don't even see this as a sales strategie, it's as misogynistic as dumb".
    i was celebrating and sharing with him the photo you posted. :(
    and then he made a joke about the superman cape 'cause he is a super nerd and very nitpicking (and this side of him is like a joke between us too). we were not trying to mock you or your post.
    actually i was amazed. in Brazil, we barely have dolls of woman superheros. even Wonder Woman. and i'm always, like always talking to him about this, 'cause i'm a declared feminist , you know.
    so, i'm so sorry for this misunderstood! it was entirely my fault. i'm feeling so bad! :( 'cause you are my biggest inspiration on instagram (you really are, i have said this before to you in comments).
    i want to apologize for writing the comment in portuguese, this was rude. it's your account. i'm here just to clarify and apologize. i work as a volunteer in a project, a support group about eating disorders and i just want to say that i will continue to share your account every time people ask me for inspirational ones.
    Sincerely, with all my heart, cross my path with yours was a huge thing for me, changed things in me. Just want you to know that you made a difference in my life. So, thank you.
    i'm really sorry for what happened today.
    please, continue doing your work. i think it is more important than you can imagine.

    1. "look, it's so misogynistic, that i can't understand how they don't even see this as a sales strategy, it's as misogynistic as dumb" = the industry is so misogynistic that they don't see selling superhero stuff to girls as sales strategies and this is dumb. they are so misogynistic they can't see this kind of stuff will sell A LOT ('cause "girls dont like superheroes"). and this is dumb, if all they want is to make money.
      (is it clear what i meant to say here?)

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