Glorifying Obesity

Glorifying Obesity. Fat people being happy and existing in the public eye without shame is now called glorifying obesity. If you are a fat person who doesn't hate themselves, you're glorifying obesity. If you are overweight and aren't on a strict diet of lettuce and working out every single day, you're glorifying obesity. Fat people, who have decided that no, they don't have to hate themselves or hide away or apologize for existing, are GLORIFYING OBESITY. 

Does anyone else truly understand how ignorant that entire idea is? Fat people who aren't ashamed of themselves aren't prancing around going "Admire me, for I am wonderful! Aspire to be exactly like me!" They aren't telling small children to stuff their faces and gain as much weight as possible. They aren't telling ANYONE "be like me, look like me!" No, they're going "Hey, I'm fat. And I deserve common decency too. I deserve to go out in public and not be harassed. I think people should NOT tell me to go kill myself. I am a human fucking being and I deserve to be treated like one." Others, in the body positive community, are encouraging others to love themselves too, no matter how they look or where they are in their body journey. That even includes those trying to lose weight. Love yourself, no matter where you are in your body journey.

Is that a horrible message? No. Not in the slightest. There is nothing wrong with people wanting to be treated like people. Or encouraging other people to love themselves.

I know, many of you are thinking that it's unhealthy, that "glorifying obesity" encourages people to be unhealthy... and it just doesn't. Some of them may be unhealthy, some aren't. Just like skinny people. Some are healthy, some aren't. That's human, very few of us actually take care of our bodies like we should 100% of the time. We need to face the fact that another person's body isn't any of our business, our business is with our own body. Radical concept, isn't it? That another person, whose health doesn't affect us in the slightest, whose body is their own... doesn't affect our existence. Fat people exist, unhealthy people of all sizes exist.. but that doesn't excuse us treating those people like shit.

It's amazing the amount of people who magically shit out medical degrees when it comes to being fat. They want to tell people they know from a photograph online how unhealthy they are.. when you can't tell anything from a photograph except their size. You can't look at a picture and tell what the person had for lunch, how much they're exercising, what their blood pressure or sugar is.. you literally know nothing about them. But many still want to look down on them and talk about them "eating themselves to diabetes" or heart disease. Many even go as far as wishing death on the person. (Admittedly, some people are eating unhealthily a lot and probably will develop health issues because of it. See previous paragraph, realize it's none of your business, and move on.)

Another argument is fat people are "flaunting" their fat bodies and it isn't okay.. fat people existing in the public eye without shame isn't flaunting anything. It's people existing. Fat people are one of the few groups that it's actually still socially acceptable to make fun of openly... Fat people are harassed and put down on a daily basis. Even when exercising, fat people are harassed. Even when trying to change their situation, the situation people are so upset about, they're still not good enough. "Flaunting" is more so people existing without shame, despite people who constantly berate them or tell them to kill themselves and the like.

Flaunting is fat people existing. Glorifying obesity is not wallowing in self hate, that's all it is. Glorifying obesity is simply not hating yourself.

Glorifying obesity is a phrase that can go die in a fire, it's a completely ridiculous concept. The next time you want to accuse a happy fat person of "glorifying obesity" maybe you should take a few moments out of your day to be thankful that you don't understand the need to "flaunt" your existing and being happy with yourself. Maybe you should be happy that you can go out in public, and not be harassed. The fact you can exist, without being assaulted with insults, laughter, or even actual objects.

There's no such thing as glorifying obesity. There is a such thing as glorifying NOT being an asshole to other people. 


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