Glorifying Obesity
Almost every day I'm accused of the same thing- "Glorifying Obesity." It doesn't matter what I'm doing- if I share a photo of myself I am somehow "glorifying obesity." I don't fit into their idea of what a fat person should be- which is ashamed and self loathing. Let's talk about what "glorifying obesity" is- besides imaginary. There is no promotion of obesity. What these people PERCEIVE to be a promotion of obesity is simply this: fat people existing, without apologizing for their existence. That's all it is. When I was a miserable, starving myself, working out until I puked, self harming fatty- I was never accused of glorifying obesity. Because I was being a GOOD fatty- by hating myself I was doing the right thing. My health didn't matter to them then- and it sure as hell doesn't matter to them now, despite their arguments of only being "concerned." A good fatty puts themselves down. A good fatty comes u...