My Mirena IUD Experience: Insertion!

Oh hey there, it's me again. Finally back from my IUD insertion appointment. This is probably the post most people want to know about, or maybe I just assume that because in my extensive research (okay, googling) before my IUD decision- I wanted to know all about the pain.

My appointment started normally, more paperwork. This time it was a lot of consent forms and about 15 things I had to initial to show I read and understood the risks, aftercare, and everything in between. After that I was taken back to talk to the doctor more about the IUD and go over everything I just signed. Honestly? My doctor was so awesome and thorough I felt completely at ease in her hands.

The main points are I may have irregular bleeding/spotting for 3-6 months after insertion, there is a small risk of perforation of the uterus (extremely rare), infection, or expulsion of the IUD. Expulsion is most common in the first few weeks and usually occurs to women who haven't had kids. (I'm one of those women, expulsion is still relatively rare.) Also, with the hormonal IUD my periods may get lighter or disappear altogether- and this isn't anything to worry about. (Nay, I look forward to hopefully no periods.)

The doctor went over a checklist with me- pictured below:

 A few specific things she told me about these: she doesn't recommend sex before the 7 day mark, even with condoms, because it takes awhile for the cervical fluid to soften the strings. It was a consideration for my partner more than myself if you catch my drift. And if not: STRINGS POKING THE DICK.

She also didn't want me using tampons even though the form says tampons- she highly suggested pads until the strings soften- because of the risk of the tampon catching the strings and well.. pulling.

I will have a follow up on July 5th to make sure everything is still in place- at this appointment she will teach me how to check the strings like you're supposed to do on a monthly basis.

She suggested Ibuprofen- but said others are fine. She just feels Ibuprofen will work the best for me. (She's correct, Tylenol, Aleve, and others don't seem to be effective for me.)

Another part of the form we had to go over was warning signs:

If any of these happen I'm to go to the clinic or ER as soon as possible.

After this there was a pregnancy test- and then finally to the exam room.

NOW THE TIME YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR- disrobing and insertion.

She showed me the box my Mirena came in and the device it is in to insert. I didn't snap a photo of my personal one, but here's the diagram from my information packet:

Uterus BBQ Fork

First step is using a speculum (our least favorite part), sterilizing my cervix with a liquid that I can't remember the name of, and then measuring my uterus- on the insertion rod you can see the calibration and flange- the doctor used a sounding rod to measure my uterus depth (8cm bby *wink*) to know where to slide the flange and put the IUD in at proper depth.

This wasn't painful for me- at all. The speculum spread and caused pressure as with any normal exam. The measuring rod was also more of a pressure feeling than pain. The oddest sensation in this step was the sterilizing my cervix- very strange sensation of having my cervix rubbed.

Step two is actual insertion. After putting the flange in the proper place she used the inserter tool- which was pretty nifty. The Mirena folds its arms into the tool when she pulled on the slider, and after she has it in my uterus she slowly slides the tool back, which allows the IUD to release its arms back into the T-position.

This on a pain scale of 1-10 was around a 1-2 for me. I was expecting a lot more pain, but what it felt more like was a hard cramp. Not a severe cramp either, just a cramp that was obviously there. No stabbing sensation, just a pressure like pain that I can mostly equate to a squeezing sensation- which was my uterus contracting going "wtf is this, I didn't ask for a roommate."

 She then slowly pulls the inserter out and voila, we are pretty much done besides cutting the strings. I also found out my case of not feeling much pain isn't rare- it's actually the majority. Roughly 65% of women report pain being less than a 5 on a scale of 1-10, most of which equate it to a 3 or below. It's important to remember everyone's pain tolerance is different and if you are reading this and your insertion WAS painful- please know that I believe you and am not trying to belittle your experience at all. My personal one just wasn't painful.

She had me stay laying down for a bit just to make sure I wasn't going to suddenly experience serious pain and to give me a chance to recoup. After a couple minutes I sat up and then- ow. It hit me.

Not the IUD itself but the damn strings. Like tiny needles stabbing the inside of my vagina. Not pleasant at all. She told me to walk around the clinic for a little bit and see if it got better, if not she'd trim them again.

It only took me about 59 seconds of this feeling like a uterine goblin was poking me with a tiny fencing sword to decide I needed them trimmed again. I let the front desk know and they took me back to another exam room to wait on the doctor. 

I'm naked under this paper sheet ;) 

She came back, took one look at how they settled and went "oh yep, let's fix those." Took another inch off the strings (Apparently my cervix and uterus sit really low) and then- it was over. No more poking, no real pain, just 5 years of child free goodness that will hopefully help my period issues.

It's been almost 5 hours now after insertion and everything seems to be coming up Milhouse. I am experiencing cramping, but none more severe than my normal period. And light bleeding- but I was on my period for insertion, so that's to be expected. I will definitely be relying on Ibuprofen for the next few days to carry me through- but overall right now I'm doing great.

The pain was nothing like I thought it would be- which goes to show I probably shouldn't have read so many IUD horror stories before my own appointment.


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