Skinny Shaming
It's amazing that I actually have to remind people this but: skinny shaming is just as bad as fat shaming . Body shaming of ANY kind of body is bad. It's naive and ignorant to pretend it isn't. Every body is unique. That's a fact to be celebrated, in my opinion, but apparently in society it's a bad thing; we don't all fit into a perfect cookie cutter shape. Some people are naturally big .. some people are naturally thin. There is no shame in either of these facts, but there is a lot of shame in how society treats each of them. Telling a thin woman to "eat a sandwich" is just as offensive as telling a bigger woman to "put the sandwich down." Telling a skinny woman things like "bones are for dogs" and "real men like curves" is rude and cruel. Trying to tell women with natural thigh gaps that it means their vagina is "loose" (it's surrounded by fucking muscle, by the way. Muscles can be toned ev...