Casual, Everyday Sexism

Let me just start by saying, I'm really sick and tired of women being accused of being either "too sensitive", a "bitch", or god forbid a "Femnazi" when we assert ourselves as something more than a doormat.
If a woman points out something sexist that you've said, that's not her being overly sensitive or anything besides being tired of the shit we constantly face. I don't think many people actually understand the microaggressions that women and even young girls are faced with every, single day.
Ever since we were young we've heard a variety of things that make it seem like being a woman is a bad thing.
For example:
"You throw like a girl."
"Don't be such a pussy."
"You're acting like such a bitch."
Women who sleep around are called sluts or whores. Men who sleep around get high fives and are called players; because making a conquest of a woman is a game. Usually, women are shamed for losing their precious virginity, something we're taught from a young age to hold onto as long as possible, to stay pure and true... men are taught to not knock the slut they're fucking up.
A woman who asserts herself is a bitch. A man who asserts himself is a boss.
Women are paraded around as pretty little sexual objects. Differentiating ourselves from that, again, makes us any slew of insults; we're cunts or uptight if we refuse someone's sexual advances. We're sluts if we don't.
These are just a small, small fraction of common everyday sexism. Things that while some think they are harmless to say, should consider what they're saying more. Because it's not just YOU saying these things, these are things women have to hear every single fucking day.
I, for one, am fed up with it. Being a woman is NOT an insult. Having a vagina doesn't make me any more or any less deserving of common decency. Me asserting myself and refusing to be walked upon doesn't make me a bitch, it makes me a human that knows their intrinsic value.
As decent human being, I want better treatment for everyone. I want the next generation of girls to grow up understanding how they look isn't the most important thing in the world, that they do have value, and they DO have the right to say no and be their own person. I also want the next generation of boys to grow up and understand that while there are difference's between the sexes, neither of us are better than the other. That it's okay to have feminine characteristics because we're all human and we all have a mix of classically masculine/feminine traits in us.
In short, being "girly" isn't a bad thing. Being "manly" isn't a bad thing. But being a dick about either of those things? Fucking atrocious. Don't be shamed into NOT speaking up when you notice casual sexism. Without speaking up, things will never change. Let's work together, in order to make it a better society for those after us. We fight the fight in hopes that the next generation won't have to.


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