Size Discrimination
When I say size discrimination, I'm sure different things come to different people's minds. Because of this, I'm linking what Sizeism is. Sizeism is not just for fat people. (I will focus on that though, seeing it is the form of sizeism I personally experience.) Sizeism can be against people of any size outside of "normal." If you are too fat, too tall, too short, too thin... too anything besides average, you have probably experienced a form of size discrimination against you. Size discrimination includes stereotypes that are seemingly ingrained into society as a whole. For instance, the idea that all fat people are lazy or gluttonous or that naturally thin people starve themselves. The idea that fat people are automatically unhealthy and thin people are all healthy is because of size discrimination. Size discrimination can also come in forms of hazing or harassment. It's the comments about you just for existing in the public eye. The laughter. The people thr...