Good vs Bad Fat People

I am not a "good" fat person. I used to be a good fat person, but I'm not anymore. I'm a bad fat person.

A good fat person, covers up. Not because they want, but because they feel they have to.
A good fat person feels shame about themselves. They are ashamed of themselves, some of them hate themselves. Some of them do dangerous things to change their fat, to be the good fatty. They not only diet and exercise, but do it to extreme amounts that it's not healthy anymore. They starve their bodies, they put their body through hell... to try and be a good fatty. A good fat person tries to hide their size. They shrink back as much as they can, try to exist as little as they can, in as little space as they possible can. A good fat person apologizes... they apologize just for existing. For being alive. For taking up space. Good fat people apologize.

I'm not a good fat person. I'm a bad fat person. I'm the fat person that will NOT apologize. I also won't justify my existence. I don't feel the need to explain to people how active I am, how healthy I eat... It's not my job or my place as a fat person to explain very intimate details of my life to people, sometimes even to complete strangers who try to make my fat their business. I am a bad fat person, I wear what I want. I take up space. I OPENLY take up space. I don't survive solely on diet foods and lettuce (though I do love a good salad) and yes, every once in awhile I eat naughty foods. Full calorie foods. Dessert even. I'm a bad fatty. I feel good about myself. I'm confident. I'm fat and I think I'm pretty. I even encourage people to love themselves too, no matter how they look or how much they weigh.  I'm a very, very bad fatty.

And you know what?  I love myself more than I ever thought I could, when I was a good fatty. I'm happier than I ever was, when I was a good fatty. I'm a better person than I was, when I was a good fatty. So yes, I'm bad. And it's good to be bad. 

Artwork by Glorifying Obesity aka Rachele Cateyes.


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