No is a Complete Sentence


That is a complete sentence. It doesn't matter what someone is asking of you, no is a complete sentence and answer. You don't have to explain yourself of why it is no, you don't have to negotiate to compromise to another person's wishes.. no is good enough. No is making your answer and your wishes clear. No isn't open to negotiation. You don't have to justify you saying no to someones requests or demands.

You should never be pressured into doing something you don't want to do. No matter if it's a big deal or something simple, if you don't want to do it you don't have to do it. You should never be forced or coerced into turning a solid no into an unwanted yes.  A yes by coercion isn't a yes at all.

Saying no isn't "playing hard to get." Saying no isn't the same thing as saying "convince me." No is no. It is complete on it's own.

"No." That is enough. Don't be harassed or coerced into anything else, stand by your no. There isn't anything wrong with setting boundaries and telling people no, you are your own person and you have the right to refuse being used or giving your time where you don't want to.

No is enough.


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