"Feminist Bullshit"

I recently came across a comment on a story about a woman being threatened with a gun for saying no when being asked out (repeatedly):

"There's a thing called being nice about it. It's always ok to say no, but there's no reason to act like a bitch over a question. I'm so sick of the feminist bullshit. Whatever happened to gender equality? This is not it. I've been turned down by guys before, you move on. You rarely hear about men going ballistic over shit like this. I dare you to try to tell me women have never gone insane over being rejected. It happens. Again, not often. Stop feeling sorry for yourself because you are a woman. Get over it, fight for your freedom, but stop the gender bullshit!"
No seriously, someone actually said that.

Says the teenage white girl who has been blessed enough they haven't yet had to face or realize women's issues and inequality still exists which is why "feminist bullshit" still exists. I'm going to break this down in sections. 
"Be nice when you say no." There we have it. This little girl just put rape to an end. If women were NICER in their rejections, nothing would ever escalate. (Ignoring the fact most women already practice deescalation out of habit..
"No reason to act like a bitch over a question." (In this instance, the woman had been asked out MULTIPLE TIMES and the person wouldn't take no for an answer.) There is plenty of reason to be assertive when saying no, for instance as I have said time and time again: most people take "no" as "convince me." Most women actually practice deescalation, sometimes without even knowing it, to avoid making it a problem that they said no. (Here is an article about that.)
"Whatever happened to gender equality? This is not it." WE HAVE NEVER TRULY HAD IT. THAT'S OUR BULLSHIT FEMINIST GOAL. We may be closer than we have been, but we are still not there yet. The second part is correct though, this is NOT gender equality. A woman fearing for her life when rejecting the sexual advances of a man is NOT equality.

"I've been turned down. /I/ moved on." Yes, but not everyone reacts like you, starshine. I am thrilled that you react decently to rejection and that you haven't had to face feeling threatened when you reject someone else... but that doesn't mean everyone can safely say no. 
"You rarely hear about men going ballistic over this." Threats. Rape. Acid attacks. Physical violence. Sexual harassment. It actually happens every single day. It might not be as severe as having a gun pointed to your head over a no, but it does happen. (For instance, the California school shooter who killed multiple people because he was still a virgin and tired of rejection.) But it doesn't have to be THAT severe to still be a serious problem. 
"Tell me a woman has never gone insane over rejection." Well, they probably have. But see, it's like when we talk about the rape problems of the world and people bring up men get raped too. Yes, but on the same global scale as women? There's a reason we focus on the main ones getting raped and blamed for being raped, just like we're focusing on violence against women right now in this scenario. Rape and violence is a problem for both sexes, no one denies that. What we do is focus on the biggest threat first.
"Stop feeling sorry for yourself because you are a woman." I cant speak for all feminists but I don't feel sorry for myself for being a woman. I feel sorry for everyone else who can't see my worth BECAUSE I'm a woman. And that makes me strive for gender equality, not wish I were a man.
"Get over it." No.
"Fight for your freedom but stop the gender bullshit." THAT IS LITERALLY WHAT WE'RE FUCKING DOING. We have to conquer the gender bias before we will ever be equal. Part of it is acknowledging that men do have privileges that women don't. Is it each individual mans fault they have these privileges? No. It's society, and we work on changing that. 
I feel bad for people who don't understand what feminism is... Feminism is not hating men. Feminism is striving to put women equal to men. We aren't trying to tear men down to OUR level, we're clawing our fucking way up to theirs and we have been for fucking YEARS. Years beyond our own lifetime, women have struggled before us for equality. And we continue that fight so that hopefully, our own daughters will never face what even modern women of today have. That isn't bullshit, trying to tear down women who fight for not only their equality but YOURS as well, is.


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