Health Concern Trolls

Health concern trolls, the little angels of the internet. Those who don't hate fat people, they just want everyone to be healthy! (To them though, healthy is synonymous to skinny; ignoring every other health concern to mankind except obesity.) People who smoke? It's their body! Those who drink often? Their body! Casual drug users? Their body, they're just experimenting. Skinny people who aren't eating "right?" Well that's okay, everyone indulges! Except fat people.

Any fat person, no matter how they eat or how much they move: fat is bad. Fat isn't okay, fat is unhealthy! Fat people are a plague on healthcare systems (which in America is laughable seeing we don't have universal healthcare and our care comes from our own pockets or premiums we pay for.) Fat people don't get the "it's their body" treatment.

Concern trolls care. "It's science" they say, but it isn't. It's prejudice.  They don't care about a fat person's health, there merely offended by having to look at fat people. And I can explain that in one simple scenario:

If a fat person were to lose a significant amount of weight, people would tell them how great they looked. They'd talk about how they slimmed down and how much better they look now.

They wouldn't be going on about how great the persons blood pressure must be now. Or how they cut the chance of heart disease down. Or anything health related at all, no. That health that they were so concerned about before isn't even thought of anymore. 

No, it's solely about how the fat person who lost weight looks.

People being fat isn't offensive to concern trolls because of genuine health concerns, it's offensive because they don't want to see fat people. It's not about health.  And even if it were, you don't change people by insulting or trying to change them to suit your preference.  You don't encourage people to love their body by simultaneously telling them to hate it. Fat shaming has been shown to have the opposite effect, it doesn't encourage people to lose weight.. because if fat shaming actually worked; there wouldn't be any fat people left to shame. 
By Elliot Parker

To close this, I'd like to remind everyone (even concern trolls) that you are entitled to your own opinions and preferences. If you think every fat person is unhealthy or disgusting or anything at all: you can actually think that. But when you voice it to a fat person and start harassing them for it? You're not entitled to that. You don't get to treat people like shit just because, in your opinion, they deserve it.  No one is taking your opinion away from you, but remember: someone else's body is none of your business.


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