
Showing posts from September, 2015

Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, So I started with one. Bam, look at that BEAUTY. I opened this VoxBox (that I received free from Influenster for testing purposes) and was insanely excited by it. The black box, the golden packages gently wrapped in black tissue paper... I'm such a sucker for packaging. It's why I own quite a few things that I don't even use, the packaging lures me in. It might also be because I'm a hoarder in training, especially with beauty products. I'm also a lover of details. I shouldn't love this small little detail as much as I do, seeing it will be worn away as I use the product, but it added a lovely little addition that added a little more of a special touch to an already luxurious item. (This stuff retails for around $36. Well above my normal price range of "as cheap as possible" so I am REALLY thrilled I got selected to try them.) Onto the swatching! They sent me two full sized produ...

Bodily Autonomy and Pregnancy

There's a radical concept called "bodily autonomy." It's actually, in general, considered a human right. Bodily autonomy means a person has control over who or what uses their body, for what, and for how long. It's the reason why you can’t be forced to donate blood, tissue, or organs. Even if you are dead. Even if you’d save or improve 20 lives. It’s why someone can’t touch you, have sex with you, or use your body in any way without your continuous consent. Continuous consen t, it's your body; you have the right to reject consent when you see fit. How does this apply to pregnancy? Quite frankly, a fetus is using someone’s body parts. Therefore, under bodily autonomy , it is there by permission, not by right. It needs a persons continuous consent. If they deny and withdraw their consent, the pregnant person has the right to remove them from that moment (given that moment falls into the legal range of which abortion can happen. Most happen in the fir...

Planned Parenthood

There's been a huge debate going on lately because of some poorly edited videos from a group known for demonizing Planned Parenthood. When really, there shouldn't be a debate at all. We all have our own morals and own beliefs, but our own morals and beliefs can't control another person. Regardless of where you stand on abortion, I'd like to take a moment to talk about what Planned Parenthood actually does and what the people calling for it to be defunded either don't know or don't care about: First off, Planned Parenthood does not sell baby parts. It's a preposterous notion and one based on again, maliciously edited videos. What Planned Parenthood does do is donate tissues for scientific research. (Hospitals do this too.) There is reimbursement for it, but not profit. It works more like a refund, the clinics and hospitals do the work, store the tissues, and ship the tissues; the places accepting donations then compensate them for those things. It's...

I Am Here Project

A wonderful blogger, Fran Hayden, has started a beautiful, empowering project for women. To make the female voice heard instead of silenced. You can find out more on her own blog : Here . Everyday, women are silenced. Even in first world "progressive" countries, there is a shame attached to being a woman; we're supposed to be weaker, meeker, and are chastised no matter how we act. This project is about defining ourselves, refusing to let others define us for us. To show that women are MORE than whatever labels society has slapped onto us. In light of this, I chose the word "Shameless." Because I have chosen to strip myself of the shame society has continually thrown and me and women everywhere. Shameless of everything. Women are shamed, constantly. Shamed for showing our bodies, shamed for NOT showing our bodies. If we're too sexual we're shamed for being sluts. If we're not sexual enough we're shamed for being prudes. We're to...

Skinnygirl™ Nutrition Bars

Skinnygirl™ Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Tasty Nutrition Bar I was given this mouthful of a product by Influenster to test for free. I saw it and my first thought was the name was long and somewhat offensive to me seeing I'm a member of the body positive community; the name left a bad taste in my mouth. But not nearly as bad of a taste as the actual product did.  Pros: It's gluten free, for those of you with dietary restrictions. The packaging also indicates that there are no artificial flavorings or sweeteners in them. They are low calorie, high fiber, and low sodium.  A quick breakdown of their nutrition as described on their website:  120 Calories 10G of Protein 7G of Fiber 4g of Net Carb All in all, they aren't awful for you. They aren't the greatest product out there for you either, but they are better than grabbing the nearest candybar in a checkout line.  Cons: They. Taste. Awful. Not just "oh this tastes diet" but "t...


Hi. Hello. Hey there!  This will be my first "official" blog. Right now? I have no clue what direction this thing will go, no idea when I'll find time to post, just generally no idea at all. But it's always nice to introduce yourself, so hello netizens! I'm Shayaunna. Due to my intense love of sriracha, I was nicknamed Shayracha and next thing you know; that's my internet name.  This is my face.  I'm a 23 year old nanny, I consider myself a fat babe though I'm certainly an acquired taste. Aka I don't expect everyone to find me attractive; but that has no bearing on if I feel attractive or not. I enjoy FATshion, am a complete makeup junkie (I call myself a drugstore beauty queen), and tend to have diarrhea of the mouth. Recently, I've become heavily involved in the body positive movement, celebrating not only my own body but encouraging people of all shapes and sizes to love themselves. I'm going to try to make this a positive spa...