Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, So I started with one. Bam, look at that BEAUTY. I opened this VoxBox (that I received free from Influenster for testing purposes) and was insanely excited by it. The black box, the golden packages gently wrapped in black tissue paper... I'm such a sucker for packaging. It's why I own quite a few things that I don't even use, the packaging lures me in. It might also be because I'm a hoarder in training, especially with beauty products.

I'm also a lover of details. I shouldn't love this small little detail as much as I do, seeing it will be worn away as I use the product, but it added a lovely little addition that added a little more of a special touch to an already luxurious item. (This stuff retails for around $36. Well above my normal price range of "as cheap as possible" so I am REALLY thrilled I got selected to try them.)

Onto the swatching! They sent me two full sized products to try and ugh. Just look at those colors. They apply so smoothly, are so extremely pigmented, and are just overall a lovely product. A little goes a long way, without any primer or base whatsoever on my lips it looked like this:

Overall, I'm just amazed with this product. I don't think I could ever justify buying it for myself (I am after all, a drugstore beauty queen) but I completely understand why others would. The formula is moisturizing, smooth, and long wearing. My lips didn't feel dry and the lipstick, even without liner, didn't budge through eating or drinking. I'm in love with a product I'll never have after these two tubes are gone. 


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