Planned Parenthood

There's been a huge debate going on lately because of some poorly edited videos from a group known for demonizing Planned Parenthood. When really, there shouldn't be a debate at all. We all have our own morals and own beliefs, but our own morals and beliefs can't control another person. Regardless of where you stand on abortion, I'd like to take a moment to talk about what Planned Parenthood actually does and what the people calling for it to be defunded either don't know or don't care about:

First off, Planned Parenthood does not sell baby parts. It's a preposterous notion and one based on again, maliciously edited videos. What Planned Parenthood does do is donate tissues for scientific research. (Hospitals do this too.) There is reimbursement for it, but not profit. It works more like a refund, the clinics and hospitals do the work, store the tissues, and ship the tissues; the places accepting donations then compensate them for those things. It's not profitable, but it is completely legal. These donations go towards helping cure diseases we haven't cured yet. In the past they've been used to find cures or develop vaccines to help prevent diseases.
Planned Parenthood doesn't just perform abortions, which is what most people who have never stepped foot into a Planned Parenthood associates them with. No, less than 3% of their services are abortions. Do you want to know what they do, actually do? Here's a small, incomplete list of the services they offer besides abortion:

Affordable medical care and screenings for patients who can't afford it otherwise. This includes (but is not limited to): Pap smears, breast exams, STI/ STD screenings, cancer screenings, young childhood care, and treatments for whatever they screened you for. Yes, this includes healthcare for men as well, it isn't just about women. Many will ask here "well what about Obamacare or other clinics?" And I actually have an answer: not everyone has access to those things. Obamacare helped millions who needed it... but it was also a rush job and not everyone is insured. Some people, myself included, couldn't afford the "affordable healthcare" offered through this act. As for other clinics, many sliding scale clinics don't accept new patients, aren't actually affordable for those in extreme poverty, or aren't located where the people can get to them. Planned Parenthood steps in where these things can't. 

Birth control. Not in the form of abortions, no actually Planned Parenthood helps prevent abortions by offering services like: little to no cost birth control pills, patches, IUDs, and rings. Free condoms for birth control and sexual health. And emergency contraception, which despite popular belief is NOT an abortion pill. No, plan B and the like only prevent fertilization, they will NOT harm any pregnancy. Affordable birth control is one of the main steps in lowering how many abortions actually occur. 

Planned Parenthood also doesn't just suggest abortion for unwanted pregnancy. They actually encourage women to explore all their options. Planned Parenthood is about helping teens and adults make smart and healthy choices, not forcing people into doing things they aren't comfortable with. So, they help those faced with an unplanned pregnancy know all of their options and find the best one for them. From adoption to parenthood, to yes; abortion. They help women to make the best choice for them.

Again, this is just a small list of what they do. Planned Parenthood provides affordable healthcare for men, women, and children. And while they do also provide abortion services; because of the Hyde Amendment, no federal funding is used towards abortion. (Except in the cases of rape, incest, and threat to mother's life.)

The fact is defunding Planned Parenthood won't stop abortions. It will however stop safe abortions and countless other medical treatments for the underprivileged people that rely on them for medical care. You're not saving any lives, but you are putting millions in danger.

In short, in case anyone felt like reading was too much of a chore. 

I personally have and always will ‪#‎StandwithPP‬ and every other organization that provides the same type of care.

Pro-choice isn't synonymous to "pro-abortion." It means I support everyone's rights to their own body and know they should make the best choice for themselves. That includes people's choice to NOT terminate an unplanned pregnancy. Because, despite what people may think, that is a choice. And no one can be told what the best choice for them is, not by any government, religion, or individual.

The government can have control of my uterus after they cut it out of my cold, dead body.
 And even then they only get to do that because I'm an organ donor. That's bodily autonomy.

Before then? No. My uterus, my body, my choice. As it is for every other woman.


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