
Hi. Hello. Hey there! 

This will be my first "official" blog. Right now? I have no clue what direction this thing will go, no idea when I'll find time to post, just generally no idea at all. But it's always nice to introduce yourself, so hello netizens! I'm Shayaunna. Due to my intense love of sriracha, I was nicknamed Shayracha and next thing you know; that's my internet name. 
This is my face. 

I'm a 23 year old nanny, I consider myself a fat babe though I'm certainly an acquired taste. Aka I don't expect everyone to find me attractive; but that has no bearing on if I feel attractive or not. I enjoy FATshion, am a complete makeup junkie (I call myself a drugstore beauty queen), and tend to have diarrhea of the mouth. Recently, I've become heavily involved in the body positive movement, celebrating not only my own body but encouraging people of all shapes and sizes to love themselves. I'm going to try to make this a positive space, that's my only goal here.

That's me in a nutshell.

Actually, this is me in a nutshell. Please, enjoy the extremely poor photo editing. 


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