Skinnygirl™ Nutrition Bars

Skinnygirl™ Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Tasty Nutrition Bar

I was given this mouthful of a product by Influenster to test for free. I saw it and my first thought was the name was long and somewhat offensive to me seeing I'm a member of the body positive community; the name left a bad taste in my mouth. But not nearly as bad of a taste as the actual product did. 

Pros: It's gluten free, for those of you with dietary restrictions. The packaging also indicates that there are no artificial flavorings or sweeteners in them. They are low calorie, high fiber, and low sodium. 

A quick breakdown of their nutrition as described on their website: 
  • 120 Calories
  • 10G of Protein
  • 7G of Fiber
  • 4g of Net Carb

All in all, they aren't awful for you. They aren't the greatest product out there for you either, but they are better than grabbing the nearest candybar in a checkout line. 

Cons: They. Taste. Awful. Not just "oh this tastes diet" but "this might be the worse tasting thing I've ever put in my mouth. I wouldn't eat this again if someone paid me to." (Which might be a lie, if you would like to pay me to eat awful tasting things I'm sure an arrangement could be made.) I took one bite of the thing then threw it out to the birds... before hoping I didn't just end up killing birds by throwing it to them. 

                                  This might be the face of a bird murderer.

I did also post a review on Instagram, as Influenster requested. I was honest about my feelings on the product, just as I have been here. That review is pictured to the right: 

See? Honesty. Despite their claims that everything in the bar is all natural, it definitely tastes like a chemical plant. I don't even know how they managed it, it's beyond me how even "diet" or "nutritional" foods could taste as bad as this product did to me. (Admittedly, I might be biased, seeing chocolate chip cookie dough is damn near my favorite flavor ever. Of anything, actual cookie dough, ice cream, coffee, souls of the innocent. Anything.)

The real kicker to me here though, isn't how awful the bar tasted. I was given it for free and I have the choice to not ever actually purchase one or eat one again. The real kicker is how their PR team replied to my Instagram review: 

Almost like they didn't even bother reading it.

Exactly like they didn't even bother reading it. 

All in all, the fact they just send out an automated response to seemingly anyone who reviews them leaves a worst taste in my mouth than the bar itself. 


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