I Am Here Project

A wonderful blogger, Fran Hayden, has started a beautiful, empowering project for women. To make the female voice heard instead of silenced. You can find out more on her own blog: Here .
Everyday, women are silenced. Even in first world "progressive" countries, there is a shame attached to being a woman; we're supposed to be weaker, meeker, and are chastised no matter how we act. This project is about defining ourselves, refusing to let others define us for us. To show that women are MORE than whatever labels society has slapped onto us. In light of this, I chose the word "Shameless." Because I have chosen to strip myself of the shame society has continually thrown and me and women everywhere.
Shameless of everything.
Women are shamed, constantly. Shamed for showing our bodies, shamed for NOT showing our bodies. If we're too sexual we're shamed for being sluts. If we're not sexual enough we're shamed for being prudes. We're told we're too fat, too thin, too feminine, not feminine enough.. Shamed for what we choose to do with ourselves, no matter what it is we are doing. We are taught from a young age that women are the weaker sex, to seek out a prince charming, to not get "too strong." Being a woman is NOT shameful, yet so many treat it like it is. Never again. I am shameless. Only I get to define me, I am a woman and I have a voice. I make my own choices and I will not be ashamed of it. No woman should ever feel shame or be silenced. Women can be whatever they want to be. Strong, feminine, promiscuous, conservative. Whatever you want to be, be it. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.



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